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happygilmore 10:04 Fri Mar 22
Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Reports of 40 dead.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 10:36 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
So, without being brave enough to use the appropriate wording, Hamas & Pickle is asking for the banning & censorship of things he doesn't agree with.

Are not political administrations of a certain bent also strong promoters of such concepts?

Hammer and Pickle 10:28 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
It's more a case of the Kremlin playing its protection-racket tune and presenting you with another opportunity to abase yourselves. Can't help it if you grab it like a crack whore presented with a cock.

Mike Oxsaw 9:51 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
The Fonz 5:45 Fri Mar 29

Apparently, that's a fact (FACT), and we're all (ALL) too stoopid to realise it.

The Fonz 5:45 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Another classic example of Hamas and Pickle 'wiping the floor' with everyone

riosleftsock 1:10 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Is there a problem with "they"?

Hammer and Pickle 12:49 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
It’s true.

Who “they” may be in riosleftsock 11:17 Thu Mar 28 shrouded in the mysterious vapours of pure bullshit.

Mike Oxsaw 12:45 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Sad to see that there's someone who's benefitted from a UK state funded education and obtain a "premium degree" from a "superior university" frittering that qualification away with creating attention-seeking crap on an insignificant website..

That was a university place that could, and clearly should, have gone to someone more entitled and more deserving.

riosleftsock 12:40 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
I've never put my country down. I wouldn't put Poland down either. I love proud, sovereign independent countries who maintain and nurture their own cultures. Thats why I love to travel, to see different countries and cultures.

You hate your country and dislike nation states.

Hammer and Pickle 12:16 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
It’s all here on the thread, SBT2. You’re not even arguing a case anymore and have made even more of a tit of yourself trying to put down your own country while promoting a disgusting dictator’s case than usual.

riosleftsock 12:11 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Pickle, I'm not "pursuing a case". Are you fucking mental?

riosleftsock 12:10 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall

None of those. He's a low-intellect, brain-washed mid-wit, a case study of Dunning-Kruger effect.

He will never be able to see his own idiocy because he has convinced himself he is always right and incapable of introspection. The least Zen, zen coach i have ever encountered in real life or online.

Hammer and Pickle 12:09 Fri Mar 29
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
The case you are trying to pursue is the US and UK masterminded this act of terror and Ukraine carried it out while ISIS-K acted as a media smokescreen.

No wonder you can’t seem to keep your mind on your work.

Dwight Van Mann 11:59 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
To enter WHO's Easter Giveaway and win a luxury trip to BENCH in Poland just answer the following question:

Is Pickle

A) Trolling
B) Naive
C) A Spastic

The winner will be treated to a 3 course meal of cabbage, followed by carp pie and a swan tart desert.
Then idle away the afternoon sitting at the bottle strewn bench playing chess with a pigeon.

Followed by 20 cheap Russian snout under the urine tree.

riosleftsock 11:50 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
I'd imagine you had problems with comprehension at school Pickle, no wonder you ended up at a punyversity.

You can't debate in a straight line because your whole philosophy is based upon bullshit. Most people grow out of your 6th form debating school faux-intellect by the time they hit their 30s or 40s but a few of you never seem to grow up.

Its like playing chess with a pigeon.

Hammer and Pickle 11:30 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
139 civilians brutally murdered so it must have been the US and UK because of …

… Serbia and Iraq.

Why don’t you just give us a break you tedious wanker?

Mike Oxsaw 11:28 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
The gas is very light in this one, Obi-Wan.

..."there is no entity in the West with any interest in killing Russians"...

How have you proven that?

"This case" may simply be a few pixels of the bigger picture.

riosleftsock 11:17 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
It was the 25th anniversary this week of the illegal war on serbia. I didn't understand it well at the time, but it did bother me. A Serbian used to post on here and gave some context to it. They bombed the fuck out off the place and didn't give a toss about civilian casualties.

On Iraq's 500,000 dead civilians, Madeline Albright said (her words "It was a price worth paying". Every country the US and west gets militarily involved in, seems to suffer a similar fate; death, destruction of their economy and culture and left as a permanently failed state.

Hammer and Pickle 9:40 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Nothing wrong with a bit of feebly irrelevant insinuation, I suppose.

But it does totally show you up for what you are SBT3

Jaan Kenbrovin 9:36 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
riosleftsock 8:56 Thu Mar 28

Intelligence agents and elite counterinsurgency troops trained by the CIA and the Pentagon during the 20-year US occupation of Afghanistan are reportedly joining the Islamic State-Khorasan (ISIS-K).


Hammer and Pickle 9:17 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Did the facts just do something to offend you? Too bad, never mind - I suggest you cool your crimpers and do one.

The Fonz 9:12 Thu Mar 28
Re: Shooting and Explosion at Moscow Concert Hall
Hamas and Pickle at it again. Can't help yourself can you?

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